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30 July 2007

The neighbours grass is always greener

Only minutes after Nicole has landed from her business trip to the ever vibrant New York do we dig out a travel guide from the New York Times, describing how the quality life is lived in the green and peacefull Whiskey Belt, stretching from North Copenhagen and 40 kilometres up along the coast line to Helsinore.

This is the area where I have grown up and I recognise his desciptions very well.

The thing is, having tried that, there are other things here in this world to explore so maybe there is an adventurous New Yorker that want's to swap green card ?!

Click here to read the article from New York Times.

The photo is of Arne Jacobsen's Bella Vista at Klampenborg. Arne Jacobsen is taken a large credit for the beauty of the design along the coast line.