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18 February 2007

Motor registration in Denmark

Many times, I have with friends and family discussed the outrageous car taxing policy in Denmark.

Lately we attended a football match between Denmark and Australia in Shepherds, here in London. On the one wall, there were advertisings for Danish viewers to buy a Huyndai Getz for DKR 117,000, which for the same amount of money could buy you a Minor ONE, Small VW Golf or Citroen C4 Picasso in the UK.

Disregard the fact, that I would rather spent DKR 117,000 on busfares than being the owner of a Hyundai Getz, I thought it could be funny to compile a chart of what are the manufacturing prices versus the street price in Denmark.
As an example DKR 300,000 will buy you a very nice car in Denmark but of that price DKR 294,000 will got to the tax man...
When mentioning a very nice car, I refer to a Volkswagen Passat or a well specified VW Golf. Both costing around GBP 15,000 in a reasonable spec....