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22 February 2007

Logitech Harmony 1000

We all know of the clutter on the coffee table and we have also all heard about the universal remote.
I am tempted to say that B&o pioneered the universal remote some 30 years ago however only supporting their own products in the same range.
More successful were those remotes that you could teach the signal of your old remotes.
For a long period of time, I have been using one of the latter from Cambridge with anice touch screen and everything. It has however always been a problem that the icons were fixed and not everything was available for all devices.
I believe Logitech's new device, the 1000, will cater for this.
The remote comes with a 3.5" touch sensitive color screen as on the picture. You can modify it with a USB connection to the PC but the best part is that most modern devices have already been coded.
Should you want to control devices in the cupboard or in another room, this can also be done by the optional radio transmitter, you then place in the neigbouring room.
This beauty obviously comes at a price. Around GBP 220,00 is the current price for it.....

18 February 2007

Motor registration in Denmark

Many times, I have with friends and family discussed the outrageous car taxing policy in Denmark.

Lately we attended a football match between Denmark and Australia in Shepherds, here in London. On the one wall, there were advertisings for Danish viewers to buy a Huyndai Getz for DKR 117,000, which for the same amount of money could buy you a Minor ONE, Small VW Golf or Citroen C4 Picasso in the UK.

Disregard the fact, that I would rather spent DKR 117,000 on busfares than being the owner of a Hyundai Getz, I thought it could be funny to compile a chart of what are the manufacturing prices versus the street price in Denmark.
As an example DKR 300,000 will buy you a very nice car in Denmark but of that price DKR 294,000 will got to the tax man...
When mentioning a very nice car, I refer to a Volkswagen Passat or a well specified VW Golf. Both costing around GBP 15,000 in a reasonable spec....