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19 May 2006

Claud Butler Levante

After patiently waiting for 3 weeks through sun and summerly spring, I finally had my new bike delivered yesterday - on one of the worst gayle force windy days in a long time....

The bike is very lightweight and with the cardboard packaging I was as sight and a half in the car park, as I only had one hand free and thus the bike was flying in the wind around me at shoulder hight!!

I didn't expect it delivered yesterday and thus as I was driving in the BMW unable to fold the backseat down. I tried shuffing it through the sunroaf without any luck. Finally I managed to squezze it through the rear door such that it was lying diagonally across the car. This meant I had to lift the steering every time I had to kick down the clutch. Not the greatest for road safety, but we managed.

The bike is VERY nice with 24 gears with STI levers such that the gears are integrated in the handbrakes. It has got carbon fibre front and stronger wheels such that it has got fever spokes.

With my new lights from Aunte Elvira and David, I was able to cycle over to Michelle and Andrew on my first night. This I managed in 24 minutes each way, which is not bad considering I haven't been on a bike for 10 years.